Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Visit Santa in Lapland

As the Christmas season approaches, many families are looking for unique ways to celebrate the holidays. An increasingly popular option is a visit to Santa in Lapland. Rather than spend hours in a department store queue, take a short break or even a day trip to Lapland and experience Father Christmas in his traditional homeland.

Many companies now offer Santa holidays and day trips to Santa’s village in Lapland. Organised tours are a fantastic way to explore and experience everything the region has to offer to help you and your family get into the spirit of the holiday.

Start with a magical sleigh ride, and then take a tour of Santa’s toy workshop where the elves are always hard at work. You can even visit the North Pole post office where letters to Santa come in from all over the world. After you’ve met the man himself, round out the day with a reindeer ride, snowmobile tour, or a turn on a toboggan.

Surprisingly, trips to Lapland—even at the height of the Christmas season—are not as expensive as you might suspect. Tours start around £300 for adults and £200 for children; airfare is included most of the time, though it’s always best to check with your chosen tour operator or travel agent to be sure.  Obviously, prices do tend to climb higher as Christmas approaches, so plan your visit well in advance to avoid steeper rates.

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