Saturday, April 28, 2012

Winter Adventures in Lapland

If you’re looking to visit Lapland this winter, there has never been a better time. Flight prices are at their cheapest in a long time, and many companies are now offering authentic Lapland adventure holiday experiences at a fraction of last decade’s cost. Winter adventures in Lapland can be enjoyed by people of all ages, and are often experiences that you will never forget!

One package frequently offered by Lapland travel companies is a Northern Lights viewing experience. The Northern Lights effect, or ‘aurora borealis’ is caused by solar winds being funneled down the Earth’s magnetic field lines, and like everything else in nature, is not guaranteed to happen in the same place and the same time each night. Although you aren’t certain of experiencing the Northern Lights at all during a trip to Lapland, some travel companies maximize your chances of getting a sky show by letting you know when the Northern Lights are most likely to appear by using aurora forecasts. There’s no need to get too cold when viewing the Northern Lights – some companies have heated cabins complete with snacks to allow you to enjoy your sky show in the most comfortable environment possible under the circumstances.

Some travel companies also offer snowshoe packages. In case you didn’t know, a snowshoe adventure involves wearing a special snowshoe which distributes your body weight across a larger area, causing you to be able to walk on snow rather than sink into it. Many of these snowshoe adventures are located away from the major Lapland tourist centers, allowing you to experience a truly remote Scandinavian experience. Most snowshoe adventures do not allow any form of non-essential motorized transport, so for the most part, you are on your own.

A Lapland winter adventure can be a very enjoyable experience for a person who books with a reputable travel company and makes the most of their time in the North. Have fun – a Scandinavian adventure is something that will be remembered for life!

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